So, rather than finish any of the three drafts currently sitting in my Live Writer queue, I’ve decided to post some random observations from my weekend:
1 ) If a four-foot-tall seven-year-old is swinging a three-foot-long stick at a piñata, the appropriate amount of clearance to give her is roughly 50 feet. I was guessing something more like ten to fifteen. I was wrong.
2 ) (directly correlated to no. 1) A kid swinging a stick at a piñata will be able to strike you precisely within an invisible one-inch-diameter target directly over your temple, even if she can’t get within five feet of the piñata.
3 ) After about the age of 20 “the limbo” isn’t fun anymore. Just painful.
4 ) Unfortunately a seven-year-old’s birthday party isn’t the time or place to discover if there is a high enough level of alcohol consumption to overcome no. 3. (my guess is “no”)
5 ) Cake with dark blue frosting and seven-year-olds is a bad combination. This could be restated as “dark blue food coloring can even stain linoleum and formica, your couch and carpets stand NO chance.”
6 ) As the Mt. Dew ad states, yo-yo’s were invented as weapons. Weapons shouldn’t be distributed as party favors.
7 ) If your child has an exaggerated reaction to sugar (because she never gets ANY at home maybe?) and you don’t plan to accompany her to a birthday party…perhaps you should WARN the parents hosting said party???
8 ) Hearing your seven-year-old daughter correctly sing ALL the lyrics to “Oops, I Did It Again” by Brittany Spears while playing “Boogie” on the Wii will leave you very VERY concerned about the future. The kind of concerned that robs you of sleep.
9 ) Watching your daughter correctly DANCE all the moves to “Oops, I Did It Again” by Brittany Spears and THEN watching “Juno” is not something I would recommend to any parent. Conversely, it would make an EXCELLENT marketing campaign for the NRA and Viverin.
10 ) The satisfaction of having thrown the “coolest birthday luau EVER!” really can’t be put into words.
Sunday was Father’s Day, and my Father’s Day treat was to get to watch all the sports I wanted with NO interruptions. This, was awesome. I got to watch Turkey shock the pants off the Czech Republic (not to mention their country out of the Euro 2008), Team USA freakin’ CRUSH Barbados in a World Cup qualifier, The Washington Nationals defeat my lowly and forlorn Seattle Mariners in interleague play, and the insides of my eyelids defeat consciousness in a battle for the ages.
I also got to have my all time favorite food: A Ground Buffalo Burger. Because we all know that ground meats are better when they come from nearly extinct species.
Oh, and just a casual observation, being utterly smitten with someone who is a continent away is perhaps the most exquisite torture possible.
Lara | 16-Jun-08 at 9:54 pm | Permalink
i’m finding it hard enough to be utterly smitten with someone who lives 15 minutes away and works all the time. i can’t even imagine the whole “another continent” thing.
sorry to hear about the pinata mishap. here’s to a quick-healing head!
Allison | 17-Jun-08 at 3:49 am | Permalink
There are a lot of activities that aren’t fun anymore after 20…cartwheels, somersaults, jumping out of a swing while it’s still swinging, crawling though playground tubes. They make it look so easy. Crazy little kids.
Taoist Biker | 17-Jun-08 at 6:57 am | Permalink
Cake and seven-year-olds are bad ideas, period. Holy crap, I have enough trouble keeping up when they’re NOT amped to 11!
Exquisite torture, absolutely. And potentially mentally damaging, as me and my met-online spouse can attest. But exquisite, oh yes.
As for Britney Spears…the next time my wife gives me crap for how often my son is singing Nirvana or Iron Maiden or The Ramones, I’ll remind her of that. Eeesh. Scarier’n zombies on crank.
chasegravity | 17-Jun-08 at 7:34 am | Permalink
i think women connect with you because in good ways, you sound kind of like ones of us. :)
it takes a real man to be a woman.
bluesuit12 | 17-Jun-08 at 7:52 am | Permalink
Hearing about cake with blue frosting kind of made me gag a little. I’m a big candy/sugar person but cake frosting a.k.a. colored lard laced with sugar is too much for me. But really it sounds like that kids had a good time and that’s what really counts. Kudos to you!
Pammy Girl | 17-Jun-08 at 7:59 am | Permalink
At least you got knocked in the noggin rather than the nads. Does alcohol cure that kind of pain?
dontdatethatdude | 17-Jun-08 at 12:05 pm | Permalink
Sounds like you had a great father’s day, I’m glad! Love the rendition. My condolences on the Britney Spears thing, really! Exquisite torture, hmmmm…. sounds good! :)
maleesha | 17-Jun-08 at 7:58 pm | Permalink
#9 had me falling over with laughter. I’m laughing with you, not at you…right?
essaytch | 18-Jun-08 at 8:15 am | Permalink
And this is why I’m not so sure about the whole ‘children thing’. I’m afraid to bring a person into this world, only to have them worship at the feet of Britney Spears. And the blue frosting stains…shudder. Talk about birth control! Sheesh!
Sunshine | 18-Jun-08 at 6:54 pm | Permalink
I can realte to your many thoughts on the party considering I teach third grade… so sorry to hear.. but the memories are priceless…
Exquisite torture… I am intrigued… tell me more ;)
Sunshine | 18-Jun-08 at 6:55 pm | Permalink
maybe the third grade teacher should spell check her posts… relate not realte… sooo very sorry
Scomerican Girl | 19-Jun-08 at 1:11 am | Permalink
Ooh, those parents definitely should have warned you about the sugar! Do little girls still dress up in party dresses with lots of ruffles like I did as a kid? That was the most fun and of course it didn’t stop us from running around, hyped up on sugar and doing multiple gymnastic feats in the backyard. And allowing your seven year old to limbo, hit big things with sticks, play with toys/weapons AND eat bright blue sugar definitely makes that sound like the coolest party ever! :)
MJ | 20-Jun-08 at 1:51 pm | Permalink
Well on the up side, at least she only hit you once.
Love your blog.
pamajama | 04-Jul-08 at 6:14 pm | Permalink
So am I to surmise that June 16th is your daughter’s birthday? In which case it would be the same as mine & I would pray for you:) Loved the blue frosting thing . . .
June 13th actually, and the party was on the 14th. I’m just bad at updating this blog in anything resembling a timely manner.
I once took a bunch of boys to see The Talented Mr. Ripley cause I thought Matt Damon was sweet. If you’ve never seen it, in this movie he’s a gay psycho who clubs his love interest to death in a boat with a big piece of wood . . .
…er…uh…wow, sorry to hear about that. That’s terrible. Hilarious, but terrible.